Quickly Change the IP address on a Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center (MC) From The CLI

2-Minute video on how to Quickly Change the IP Address on a Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center (MC) This video is part of the Todd Lammle Mastering Firepower 7.0 video series found on lammle.com


  1. That was nice….Can you also share how to change it on FTD management interface either from FTD cli or from FMC.

    I have two FTDs with just initially set up and are in FMC with no any Policies yet. they each have all the management, inside, outside interfaces in three each different subnets (total 6 subnets). I need to make them in HA and need to configure ip addresses for management, inside and outside ip addresses in the same subnets as of the one going to be the Priamary, on the second one which will be the standby.

    Can i just change them from FMC only on the second FTD and go ahead with the HA set up as per your nice Videos on Firepower threat defense course.

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