How to generate Cisco FTD FXOS troubleshooting files for 2100/4100/9300 Cisco FTD devices

Let’s to through the directions on how to perform downloading advanced troubleshooting files on a 2100 as well as a 4100/9300. The commands are only slightly different between the 2100 and 4100/9300; understand that the 2100 only will create one file, and the 4100/9300 creates from 3 to 5 files, depending on the modules installed.

2100 FTD device:

  1. SSH into FXOS on your device.
  2. Connect into FXOS

2100# connect local-mgmt

2100(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm detail

To see the one file generated for the 2100, type this command in and then SCP the file onto your workstation:

2100(local-mgmt)# dir workspace:/techsupport/


4100/9300 FTD device:

  1. SSH into FXOS on your device.
  2. Connect into FXOS

4100# connect local-mgmt

4100(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm detail

4100(local-mgmt)# show tech-support chassis 1 detail

4100(local-mgmt)# show tech-support module 1 detail

4100(local-mgmt)# dir workspace:/techsupport/

1  6328320 Jun 21 20:31:42 2018 20180621202803_4100_BC1_all.tar

1 28456960 Jun 21 20:41:11 2018 20180621203838_4100_FPRM.tar

1  4802560 Jun 21 20:34:57 2018 Firepower-Module1_06_21_2018_20_34_30.tar


….Now just SCP the file off to your workstation and upload it to