Cisco FXOS/FTD ICMP/PING delay in few packets while passing through FTD: CSCvo80715

…So in the last month, I had a couple customers that saw wildly different ICMP/PING delays when testing through an FTD box, however, I couldn’t replicate the issue on FTD boxes that weren’t running on top of FXOS meaning that I only saw the issue with 4100/9300’s.

Cisco finally released a bug and fix, which is to use this command at your FTD CLI:  >system support ssl-hw-offload disable
also, code will provide this fix as well…

Since the problem is only on FXOS devices, this command only works at the 4100/9300 FTD CLI

I believe this was only a cosmetic issue, as neither customer reported any issues with applications